9 Nov 2006

Back again for another day

Hello again Mr.Davies, I take it that I shall be the only one reading this. Is this like talking to yourself (which you don't do) but for the tinternet age.

Speaking of tiniternet, why don't you actually put pen to paper on the kind of mock technology language you've been working on. You know the one, speaking as if you were 40+ and kinda half got all the things going on. Okay, 1, 2, 3, LETS GO!

Internet = Tintraweb
Surfing the interntet = White water Googleing
Email = Emu's
Checking your email = Surfing my Emu's
DVD player = VD casette player (So like, "Hey, I got a new VD last night, want to come round and see?")
Mobile phone = Cordless Walkabout
Texting (text messaging) = Teletexting (Internet for old men on their television)
MP3 Player = My Pod 3 player
Computer = Commuter
TFT Monitor = Fat screen TV
Flat screen = Skinny Screen

That's all i can remember for now but as more come into usage I shall add them.

Good times


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