25 Jan 2007

Off to Warwick...

Soooo, I'm off to Warwick in the morning, tomorrow is exactly a year since me and Charlotte started going out (we are now engaged, 1st September 2007 baby!). Hopefully we shall be enjoying a mix of ice skating (a fun date we once had), going to Charlottes favourite curry house and going for a drink in the bar we started going out.

But that's really only half the reason I'm going up. Next week is "Satisfied?" The week of focused evangelism, with the basic aim of giving all 18,000 students the chance to hear the gospel explained nice and in their language. I'm going as an 'assistant missioner' which means I'm going to be committed all day and all week long to the mission ploughing on. It's going to be really tiring i imagine (like 8 till 10:30 each day). Straight after this I'm off to Aberyswyth to do exactly the same. I am looking forward.

Let's hope and pray that God is also going and some peoples lives are going to change for enternity. 1, 2, 3, let's go!

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17 Jan 2007

Here comes the day off

Well tomorrow (thursday) is my new day off. Im not sure how its going to feel to be having days off in the middle of the week but i must say im looking forward to a lie in. Im not particulalry tired, in fact since my two weeks holiday over christmas ive felt full of life, but who ever says no to another hour in bed?

Anyway, the agenda is to catch up on prison break series 2, im now three episodes behind, and just generlally relax. Days off formed an integral part of my university life (i operated on a 6days off 1 day on system, the day on would be going to church all day) so i dont think I'll have any trouble enjoying myself. Maybe I'll post on my blog...

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