28 Mar 2007

Feeling like a clown

So, awoke this morning to the sunshine streaming through my window. Got dressed, ready to leave for work, when that decision that meets us every day hit me. Take a coat, or not?

Well, as the sun was shinning and the only coat I own is a big puffer, I decided that lugging it round all day would be a waste of time. True enough the walk to work was lovely with the sun warming my arms and my back. I dropped my bag in the office and then ran across the road to pay a cheque into the bank.

Coming out of the bank 5 minutes later however I noticed a change in the weather. The clouds have come and I'm freezing. NO doubt it will rain on my way home and I will be proven to be a proper clown.

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21 Mar 2007

AWOL Beagle

Apologies to begin with. I know it's been a reasonably substantial period of time since my last posting and for all my regular readers (that'll be Teifion and JT) I hope that I wont leave it so long in future.

You see I've been busy starting up some new blogs! How exciting!!! Yes that's right, now the tintraweb has 3 times as much Beagle as it did this time last month.

Firstly we have prognosis.blog.com Which is kind of like a think tank or a brain trust, where myself and 4 other hip, young theologians, congregate to share our knowledge, thoughts and discuss the hot topics of the moment. I have yet to post, I'm trying to be a little more careful with what I say so i've introduced a drafting system before I post. Check it out none the less, we don't have much but what we do have thus far is pure Gold.

Secondly I've started a "Sammys Daily Devotions" blog. Essentially a place where i can write my observations and applications from the teany, tiny pieces of scripture I look at each day. Hopefully it will help me to be more regular in my devotions and also benefit others who might stumble upon it and be blown away by my insightful cuips.

The observant amongst you will have noticed that I have switched allegiance from blogger to blog.com And I'm afraid to say that for the moment I don't intend switching back. Blog.com is easier to use and allows me to customize my blogs more than blogger...so it's better.

Anyway, check out the new blogs see you soon


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5 Mar 2007

Life Changing

So, I just commented on another blog about the advances that have been made recently in the field of umbrellas.

Have you ever had a regular umbrella turned inside out in the wind. Probably wasn't even that strong. The thing is, normal umbrellas are just rubbish.

Introducing then, the gust buster! You can buy them from all around and they really are wonderful, life changing even. When one contemplates the economies involved, either one new regular umbrella every week to replace your now inside out one, or one gust buster...for life, i think the decision becomes easy.

See you outside, in the wind and rain very soon

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