27 Apr 2007

The most wonderful Fiance...

I have her. She does lovely little spontaneous things to make me feel loved. For example about a week ago she bought me this card which I have now framed. I like it even if no one else does.

I feel bad keeping her all to myself, but not for very long :)

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17 Apr 2007

Enojy Easter?

Maybe you didn't even notice that it was Easter. Well if you missed out on some excellent church services (especially mine) then why not spend 30min listening to this well structured argument for the validity of the Easter story

Courtesy of Mars Hill Church Seatle

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13 Apr 2007

The dream is....

One day to have kids that are half as cool as these guys.

6 Apr 2007

A Beautiful Spring Day

It is curious you know. How exactly paradoxes are able to exist in a universe of order and logic. Logic, after all, rules all. At least that's what my Physics degree taught me. So what should I make of the following two statements (both true):

1) I have some sort of genetic disposition which means that I don't sweat, ever, I never smell and my pits are always dry (Bum sweat is an altogether different phenomena).

2) When the Sun is even remotely out I sweat like a fat man even getting up out of my chair.

The two statements just don't seem to match up, yet I would still argue (and present evidence) for both.

Anyway, I love nice weather, but me, 15(+) degree heat and a pair of jeans just don't go

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