So has it gone? Or is it back? Did it ever go away? Can we generalise like this? Very interesting questions (in my opinion). I've found that theresurgence is a very useful resource for lots of things but the top topic about atheism being back is most interesting. And then we were talking in our weekly leaders mingle (church leaders from around ammanford coming together) and they thought atheism was gone, that people don;t need convincing of God anymore just which God is true. My experience is that this is quite untrue. But maybe that's because my experience is university. The thing I can't figure out is how in universities so many people are atheist. I though that they were the intellectual cream of the crop. But it appears that most people now think the intellegent option is to write God off. For example I took a class last year, "Philosophy of Religion" where the general teaching was God exisists, there is truth and your stupid if you argue. BUt still the vast MAJORITY of students, inspite of the excellent logic the lecturer was usinig and the tremendous rebutles he used on all their arguments people still came out saying that truth was relative and that there couldnt be a God. Were they listening? One guy actually tried to argue with me that Christianity couldn't be true because it made too much sense, therefore it was logical to concludde that that would be the religion people would make up!?!?! Yeah, atheism is the religion of the elite. Nice one
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